Making More Money While Spending Less Making More Money While Spending Less

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Making More Money While Spending Less

After carefully evaluating my financial situation, I could tell that some things needed to change. It seemed like I was constantly letting my checking account run dry, and it was really frustrating for me. I wanted to live without constantly worrying about finances, so I took a good hard look at how I was spending my money. That simple decision completely changed my life. Within about three months, I finally felt like I had a handle on things. This blog is all about making more money while spending less, and learning the budgeting skills you need to have a better life.

3 Ways Your Yoga Practice Can Teach You About Finances

Yoga and finances? What do the two have in common? It turns out that many of the same principles used to develop a healthy and sustainable yoga practice can also be used to create a stable and durable financial plan. Incorporating some core yoga tenets into your financial life can help you create not just a more balanced lifestyle, but a more peaceful financial situation. Lesson #1: An Instructor Guides, But You Are Your Best Teacher Read More